GeoScene3D Intro and Basics 2022
October 10, 2022
Getting value from (A)EM data with GeoScene3D
November 12, 2022
GeoScene3D Intro and Basics 2022
October 10, 2022
Getting value from (A)EM data with GeoScene3D
November 12, 2022Webinar: Aarhus, Denmark
Get the most out of your geological data
Thursday, November 24th, 2022 16:00-16:30 (Copenhagen CET) / 7:00-7:30 AM (Los Angeles PST) / 10:00-10:30 US East Coast.
With: Simon Bøtker-Rasmussen & Thomas Bager Rasmussen
This webinar will introduce the new features at the GeoCloud and how you can store and visualize geological data, geological models, and results, and how you can make them available to your colleagues, stakeholders, decision makers, external business partners, or the public.
We will showcase how the GIS Map, 2D profiles and the 3D viewer let you visualize your data in multiple ways directly from your web browser.
Further this webinar will show how you can easily upload and manage your data and how easily you can have complete ownership of your GeoCloud.
The GeoCloud can give value with or without GeoScene3D. The two solutions are closely connected so the GeoCloud can create extra value for existing GeoScene3D users.
Registration: Please send an email to supportgs3d@i-gis.dk with name and webinar name.