Streamlined Data Access
With GeoCloud you have seamless access to your data and models
All your data and models uploaded to GeoCloud can be accessed through a web map service (WMS) and directly in GeoScene3D. In addition you have access to your data through the user friendly website. After logging in to you designated GeoCloud portal, you can see and interact with your data through the Map View, Profile tool, and the 3D Viewer.
Map View - The 2D GIS map
All data and models uploaded to the GeoCloud portal can be visualized as a web map service (WMS) in the map window.
Uploaded data can be activated in the Map Window. Data are made visible by check marking the light blue boxes in the menu to the right.
Data uploaded to the GeoCloud is divided into eight categories:
• Surveys
• 2D grids
• 3D grids (shown as 2D grid slices/maps)
• Boreholes
• Points
• Logs
• Shapefiles
• Point Clouds
• Miscellaneous
Which data set to display on the map, their individual ordering, transparency etc. is set in the user-friendly object manager. From the object manager you can also get access to all available information about each data set. You can also:
• Zoom to their extent
• Slice in 3D grids
• Get their legend
• Download their data source
Profile View
The data can be visualized on a 2D cross-section. The cross-sections or profiles can either be uploaded as kml-files or be digitized directly in the web browser.
You can create several profiles at the time, and the layer manager chooses which data sets to display. All 3D data supported by GeoCloud will be supported by the profile tool soon. For now, 1D Geophysical models, 2D Grids, 3D Grids, boreholes with water level and screens and point data are supported.
3D view
The data can be visualized in an in-browser 3D viewer. Data and models visualized in 3D is available to the user through free navigation. Within the 3D viewer, you have access to different visualization, navigation, and measurement options.
The 3D viewer is continuously developed and improved. All 3D data supported by GeoCloud will be supported by the 3D viewer soon. For now, 1D Geophysical models, 2D Grids, 3D Grids, boreholes with water level and screens and point clouds are supported.
The GeoCloud web interface
Both as an administrator and a regular user, you have access to GeoCloud through the GeoCloud website.
As an administrator you have additional options to:
• Sort and group models and data
• Manage metadata
• Upload data and models
• Set legends
• Administrate portal access