Hydrostratigraphic Modeling
Be More effective and less busy with Fast Models Tools
Fast, Accurate Geological Modeling
Build geological models in a fraction of the time using cutting-edge machine learning
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From EM data to Voxel Model
Build geological models in a fraction of the time using cutting-edge machine learning
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Fast Models Tools
- Quick Results for your clients.
Geophysical mapping for hydrostratigraphic modeling has advanced, increasing data volume and resolution.
However, this evolution pressures systems and data interpreters. Clients need quick results. That’s why we developed "Fast Models" tools - to speed up data processing.
Key Features (6 stk.)
Building accurate geological models doesn't have to take days. With GeoScene3D, you can create detailed models in just hours using advanced machine learning tools like Smart Interpretation (SI).
Building a geological model within a short time-frame can be essential. GeoScene3D is a geological modeling software that allows users to build geological models from EM and borehole data in a fast way, using the intuitive machine learning (ML) method Smart Interpretation (SI).
Be more efficient with Machine Learning
Traditional geological modeling takes a lot of time because it's done manually. Using machine learning (ML) can speed up the process without sacrificing quality.
GeoScene3D offers an ML-based method called Smart Interpretation (SI), which uses EM data and a few key points to predict geological layers. SI learns from this data to create accurate models quickly, saving hours of work. Combining SI with the "Locate Layer" tool in GeoScene3D allows for fully automated modeling.
Smart Interpretation
Import data (EM data and optionally borehole data)
Train the SI model through an intuitive, step-by-step process.
(evt: Train the SI using 2D cross-sections for accurate predictions)
Apply your trained model to predict geological structures across your dataset.
(evt.: Apply the model to your full dataset for rapid results.)
Voxel Builder
Do you want to build a detailed voxel model from EM data in just a few hours? GeoScene3D makes it simple and fast.
Airborne geophysics (AEM) collects vast amounts of data over long distances, which need to be turned into geological models, often for fields like mining or groundwater mapping.
An easy and intuitive workflow:
Would you like to be able to build a detailed voxel model based on EM data within only a few hours of work? – then keep on reading.
Airborne geophysics (AEM), often generates very large amounts of highly detailed data, densely distributed along thousands of kilometers of flight lines. These data typically need to be inter-preted into a geological or hydrostratigraphic context, e.g., in the field of mining or groundwater mapping.
Turn the EM data into a resistivity grid.
Set up an empty voxel grid.
Create resistivity categories
(like soil or rock types).
Transfer the data from the resistivity grid to the voxel grid — and you're done
You can refine the model with additional data (e.g., boreholes, seismic).
The whole process takes just 1-3 hours! You can even export the voxel model as a CSV or text file for use in other software.
Combine Voxel modeling
with Smart Interpretation (SI)
Creating a fast geological model using the resistivity grid to voxel model approach can be combined with the SI approach.
With SI, the user can, in a fast and automatic way, generate geologic surfaces based on EM data and borehole information.
These generated surfaces can be used as boundaries in the voxel selection.
Resistivity between 70 and 200 ohmm selected in a 3D resistivity grid (bluish marks on top of the high resistivity areas (red colors)
Final voxel model based on resistivity grid from EM data